Accelerated Delivery Begins with Agile Transformation Services

We Maximize Business Value and Enterprise Agility with Our Agile Practice and Transformation Framework

The Business Challenges of Agile Adoption

The cultural implications of agile transformation cannot and should not be underestimated or overlooked by any enterprise that is planning to go the agile way. As agile transformation essentially involves overturning of the traditional processes, the resistance from the people is expected.

The top challenges that enterprises face while adopting and scaling Agile practices are:

  • Not able to answer ‘why agile’
  • Lack of wider ‘buy-in’ – management sees Agile as a silver bullet
  • Team is not ready/resistant to change – failed Agile Implementations
  • Lack of collaboration within teams and with customers
  • Enterprise culture is still based on Waterfall
  • Attempting to go agile but with legacy command and control management
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